Saturday, May 05, 2007

This little piggy went to market...

Though where I am now was a pretty good place for a first landing, I'm often thinking about moving somewhere better suited to me and my tastes. Southern Islington, the Angel area, is one place I'm keeping an eye on. Camden is another.
Fun Fact: Though there is a High Street and a High Road in London, there are several roads referred to as "The High Street". This is roughly analgous to the American use of "Main Street", in that it denotes the most popular and densely commerical road in a neighborhood. Holloway Road, near my place, is the high street of northern Islington. Conveniently, where I was today is simply called "Camden High Street".The Camden locks are a defining feature of the area, with plenty of nice places along it where you can grab a drink and a bite. I haven't seen any birds though.
Up a ways, near Chalk Farm station, I was pleased to find another Banksy piece. It's been a bit roughed up but there's still no mistaking what it is. This makes two sightings and I hope to find's fun having this little Easter egg hunt. You can go here on his website to see a clipping about the piece - just click on the image to make it readable.
The Stables Market is one of several dense groupings of permenant and semi-transient shops in the area. I was pleased to find that I felt rather at home here, after years growing up and coming to such as the Landsdown Christmas Craft Show with my parents.
I was most pleased to find a plethora of affordable, interesting clothing here. I just grabbed a polo shirt today, but I'm bound to be finding my way back one of the brown velvet suit jackets I saw going for only fifteen quid.
I've read, heard and seen that Camden is a steadily gentrifying den of youth and artistry. This strikes me as a good place for me to be, compared to North Islington which isn't horrible but isn't particularly outstanding in any regard outside of it being not too far from areas that are. I'd have to get a slightly thicker skin when it comes to some of the more obnoxious expressions of trendiness that you find in a place like Camden (such as "Theme Couples" who wear matching outfits as if to suggest they are part of a band), but I think I could easily cope in favor of the positive ones (like a really interesting rooftop bar/photography gallery I wandered through today). As with so many things, it comes down to the price and the proximity to wherever I'd be working when I moved.

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