Thursday, January 03, 2008

This Year We Shall Call Them Scarer-ists, Which is Way Cuter.


-SMOKE A FATTY (phatty?)

This seems a pretty reasonable list and I think my North American lifestyle just might facilitate the first and last, though staying in Europe would have been better for the middle one.

So it's a new year and I am asking the same question that most people do - where are my amazon bitches at?

Okay, maybe that is me being facetious. Maybe this post has been a complete farce up until now. This is something worth pondering.

Last year was pretty okay.
I got to see Athens.
...perched myself upon the great white horse of Uffington.
...spent a good deal of time exploring London (too many links to bother). a good deal of writing done and continue to fill my notebooks with seeds for future writing. some film work set up in Canada less than a month after arriving back.
...finally did some watercolor painting.
...took a stab at a webcomic, even if it has slipped into a coma thanks to a)life getting generally crazy then b)my big move back and c) the holidays.
...went to my first (and possibly last) goon meet. I'm not sure if that's one I should mention but... to have a hilarious discussion about inventing slang in a squat/bar/art gallery which "should" have made me fear for my life, but actually made me feel more relaxed than any other point in the year. Basically I learned that just because it looks like it should be a crack den and it's in a neighborhood with a reputation for horrible crimes, that doesn't mean you can't still have the time of your life!

And some other stuff too. I'm just back from a few days in Toronto, where I had a great New Years Eve but also spent time renewing my impression of the city while learning more about the downtown core which intrigues me. Walking through Bloor, College street, Kensington Market, Spadina and Chinatown as well as other central felt extremely correct. I'm glad about this because, frankly, wherever I move next should feel this way in order to justify what I want to be a long term move. By the time of my move to Toronto I will have moved five times in less than eighteen months (with a sixth time to go, depending on whether or not I stay with a friend of the family during the initial weeks - we'll see how the job hunt goes as to whether or not that happens).

Add in the four times I'd moved since turning nineteen and the summer of 2006....well, I think I'd like to try setting down roots a little bit! Not so much having kids and buying a house "setting down roots"...but maybe a "take pride in my neighborhood and spruce up my apartment so it looks more like a home and less like a very personalized hotel room" kind of setting down root. I wouldn't say my "biological clock" is ticking (though my "quotation marks" "clock" "seems" to "be" "t"i"c"k"i"n"g"), but I am starting to feel some priorities shift. Then again, fuggit, for all I know I'll get some great offer of work six months down that road that will have me traveling to a secret North Korean surgery to have my penis replaced with a live cobra (all in the name of authenticity).

So, onto the next year and maybe a marvelous, deadlier penis!

Addendum: The Onion has a very interesting interview with the man I recently remarked upon as being my original inspiration to pursue film, if you're interested.

ALSO, last night I caught the back end of Trekkies 2 and I have learned one thing - if you want to meet a hot trekkie, go to Serbia! Apparently all the men look like reasonably clean cut gents and the women all have aquiline features which are complimented by exotic, dyed hair.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Two days into 2008 and I reckon I'd best do up this year's "End of a Year" post before it becomes time to do the next one.

So that'll be my next post.

For now, I'll share this great look not so much at climate change but the "Economy vs Environment" pseudo-debate. It involves, particularly near the end, points which I've been banging on about for ages but is much - let's say "consumer friendly" - than a tirade from yours truly. I recommend going to the guys YouTube account for further info.