Friday, August 10, 2007

"Look at all that gossip!"

Well I feel like the interview went pretty well yesterday. I even had a decent answer, which earned a good reception, when the dreaded "Where do you see yourself in X years?" question arose.
The editing and composing test was also nice in that it was an actual test of what I'd be expected to do on the job - so my internal spellchecker was able to function normally, unlike when I've been presented with a ten question "Do you spell the word this way or that way?" grade five style quiz. There's nothing like regressing to keep you sharp! (?).Not a whole heck of a lot to report today folks, alas.But I thought I'd bring in a couple of pictures from Broadstairs. The little pool is for crabs and the like to collect and then be enjoyed by small children and their patient minders.And finally we have me doing it up "Perez Hilton" style. Well, not quite, as I actually found this amusing (you may not?).
I'd hyperlink to his website but honestly, it's not worth the hype(rlink). A few people had told me it was basically a snarky, chubby gay guy with a teenage bathroom dye-job that spends twelve hours a day sitting at a Starbucks with his laptop and drawing pseudo-legible, funny captions on unflattering pictures of celebrities. "That could be amusing" I foolishly thought.

I felt pretty cheated by what I saw. Writing "FATT" on a picture of Lindsey Lohan does not a "guffaw" make. What the hell? Popular stereotypes had taught me that all gay guys had an inherent wit, particularly when it comes to catty remarks about celebrities! Also an impeccable fashion sense. Maybe....maybe being homosexual just means you desire the same gender as your own.

Maybe that's all it ever really meant?



This kind of goes off the rails after the first two minutes but those two minutes sum him up very well.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Just thought I'd share a short film by my friend Gina, who wrote and directed this as her final project this year. I rather enjoyed it and if you feel the same while also being in posession of a YouTube account, then by all means please head over and give her a nice rating and/or comment.

Meanwhile, in my own film adventures, some of you may recall that I've been working on another, minimalist short to make with Myspace Man* while Momentum's arduous pre-production grinds away. For the past month I've been bashing my head against the laptop in trying to come up with a five minute comedy centered around a tennis match but luckily it turns out Mr. Man and I are both huge Fallout fans (and fans of the post-apocalyptic genre in general). After discovering that during a recent chat, the mini-short has now taken a decidedly different direction which seems to be massaging all the right brain meats for me to start cranking out pages at an appreciable pace. This is something we want to get working on asap and hopefully I will be able to flash it by y'all before the end of the year.

*For those of you recently tuning in, "Myspace Man" is my nom de plume for a fellow that I am collaborating on film projects with at the moment. Three guesses which poorly designed social networking website I met him on.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Terrible Cracking Sounds!

Broadstairs was wonderful and restful as always, now back to der hunt - I have an interview with a biomedical copywriting firm on Thursday that I'm looking forward to. Though not film work, it would be something where - gasp - I'd get to use my education. Oddly, the camera didn't get much of a workout...though later I might post short clip of a failed sand castle attempt, if it crosses the line from "personal trivium" to "something others may enjoy" upon a second viewing.

Meanwhile, good eye on one of the First World Problem readers for deciphering my scrawl in the second strip and realizing that "Flloyd Boastman" was based on my first impression of Loyd Grossman. She then passed along the following video clip of him being lampooned by British comedy duo Vic and Bob!


P.S. My apologies to those who have written me lately and are still waiting for a reply. My wrist has been getting wonky and so I'm reluctant to spend more time on the computer than is absolutely necessary (re: continued job hunting). I will write to you all as soon as I can do so without terrible cracking sounds coming from my right hand.