Monday, May 11, 2009

Pippity Pippity Pippity

So hip-hop hooray, another batch of shows in the can. Filming yesterday was pretty interesting since it was the first time I used two sets of duel-500W lights for more than a few minutes and the living room got pretty damn hot! Luckily we were able to cool things down by opening all the windows after we realized the microphone was directional enough to be able to get my voice while not registering any background stuff from outside.I also had had a makeup student that my roommate hooked me up with. It was pretty funny whenever she worked on me as I sort of went into my default "Doctor or Dentist Mode" where I close my eyes, shut up and just let them get on with it. Twice she said "You can open now", meaning my eyes as she'd have finished my eyelids, and I opened my mouth first!
I took some photos through the celebratory martini I made myself after we finished shooting and I rather like the effect! (One part Amaretto to two parts Creme de Cocoa, by the way).Today, feeling a bit cracked out since I'd been up late the night before and my treacherous body insisted I wake up at A QUARTER TO FIVE, I checked out TCAF. I was pretty pleased! It was the first webcomic/comic thing I've been to since London and I'm not entirely sure why - I'll have to make more of an effort in the future. Aside from picking up a couple of prints, one of Ryan's shirts (it only took me six years BEST BUD EVER) and Joey's new book, I had the unexpected surprise of finding out that Paul Pope (AKA my absolute favorite comic book artist) was going to be there for a signing!I lucked out again by grabbing the last available copy (at TCAF) of his art book and then I got in the line up before it became unbearable. He was a very pleasant, totally affable fellow and he did my up this little number (Eloy is my favorite character from my favorite work of his. Favorite).He told me an interesting story about how he lived in Toronto for a short time in the same manner as Eloy - inside a refitted grain silo. Between our short fanchat and what I've read so far in the art book, which reveals him to be far more thoughtful and literate than his comic writing (that is saying something), I consider my expectations met and exceeded. You can't ask for much more then that!