Friday, July 18, 2008

Pretty suitable for my 500th post!

They clutter cities and countrysides. Make lots of different noises. Produce a variety of odors. The world would be very different without them. You love them, you hate them. Sometimes you make love to them while hating them

Human beings.

If you know any, please tell them all to come check out In a Handful of Minutes – the web show which reviews something other than the usual crap – and to pass it along to any human beings they might know. We have a Facebook group which may aide in this purpose! Plus you can download it as a podcast, if you'd like to see me leering at you while you're while riding the bus.

Episodes are hurriedly uploading now...

Give it up...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Somehow I found time for this...

Like a lot of watercolors, it looks best at about two feet away - but that doesn't work so well with the point n' click camera!

Monday, July 14, 2008

On the cusp...

Yes, it's finally happening - go here for some exciting news and something you should bookmark/add to your RSS feed!

I would like to politely ask that any of you who were thinking about kindly linking friends and enemies to the page to wait until the debut on Friday. Folk'll be more inclined to remember to come back if they get some proper content on arrival. What I've linked to right now? That's just for little old you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

At first I thought...

...this probably wouldn't work in a city. But maybe there's a way around the difficulties posed by a higher density population?