Saturday, February 02, 2008


So the gallery showing was nice last night and it was interesting to try and tell what bits of "Kensington Market History" were real and which were constructions. I wish that there had been some more content, but for a free event you can't really complain.

One thing I was pleased to be reminded of when I was there, was the Toronto Arts Council's Murmur Project. It helped to compensate for learning that the Secret Swing has not only been taken down, but the narrow, pinched alley it was in has been filled. Take that, magical whimsy! But yeah, I think it's a clever way to make a city seem more engaging and alive than just the stereotypical human rat den built from concrete and the broken dreams of recent immigrants.

Meanwhile, the comprehensive list of things which made David Banner hulk out on the old TV series is pretty much Komedy Kgold. I rather enjoyed...
"75. Beaten up by all the other prisoners in the work camp, in the middle of the night while he is trying to sleep, when he emphatically told them not to beat him up that particular night"

Friday, February 01, 2008

I'm checking this oot tonight - an art gallery showing of people's reactions to and memories of my new neck of the woods. An interesting introduction to living here, to be sure.

Meanwhile, I just got my first jerk around by a recruitment agency. It's good to be job hunting again.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A slow day, though I plan to take in a show tonight. Progress is being made on the job front, which will be nice to get sorted because then I'll be able to focus more on my writing again. Toronto continues to be pretty okay despite a guy bumping into me yesterday and spilling hot chocolate all over my jacket.

And Victor and Ryan and I trying to meet up to see Cloverfield only to completely fail to find each other.

*Sob* These First World Problems will be the death of me yet...

Linky-rinky dinks!
It's drilling for science, now, but I think that maybe it could get put to another use?

A small start, though I cannot believe that planes and shipping are exempt from their calculations

This is a rather interesting option for home energy which I hope to explore.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blood on the streets of Tranna

This summer, on the dark streets of Toeranna...
The End...?


It's tempting as all hell to stop with only this, but that would be just a tad irresponsible...

So Victor, my new roommate, dropped a mason jar while washing the dishes. It shattered and his left hand got deeply cut as it went on it's way to try and catch the jar - meeting the shards at a goodly speed. There's no nerve damage or anything else that should be long term, luckily he was cut in "the best possible way", but he gets to put up with bandages and pain and all the rest for the next three weeks. He'll be fine, but maybe those of you who know him may want to drop a line?

Tokyo Police Club are neither police, a club nor are they from Tokyo

So this past Saturday I found some time to join Roberto and see a group of lads with skinny jeans and something to say about something something girls something something screw authority.Okay, that's really unfair...and yet? Tokyo Police Club did a free show at Nathan Phillips square, which lay right in front of Toronto's snazzy city hall. Aside from the stage, there was also a skating rink and all these crazy fire installations.The first three songs were really thrilling but then....what I'll dub "five men with guitars" fatigue started to set in. Despite giving them my full attention, the lyrics started to get less and less distinguishable and songs started to bleed into each other more and more. I think these kids have some promise to be sure, but I think they'll need to get a little more inventive and the vocalist might have to project a bit more to rise about the instruments before they can claim to be the next Arcade Fire or anything. For free though? Good fun.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I have a bed!

Two days without one can lead to cranky-panky, the far less loved sibling of hanky-panky.

The Internet situation is a bit absurd, but once it ceases to be I shall have some great pictures up from last Saturday night.

More as this situation develops