Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tokyo Police Club are neither police, a club nor are they from Tokyo

So this past Saturday I found some time to join Roberto and see a group of lads with skinny jeans and something to say about something something girls something something screw authority.Okay, that's really unfair...and yet? Tokyo Police Club did a free show at Nathan Phillips square, which lay right in front of Toronto's snazzy city hall. Aside from the stage, there was also a skating rink and all these crazy fire installations.The first three songs were really thrilling but then....what I'll dub "five men with guitars" fatigue started to set in. Despite giving them my full attention, the lyrics started to get less and less distinguishable and songs started to bleed into each other more and more. I think these kids have some promise to be sure, but I think they'll need to get a little more inventive and the vocalist might have to project a bit more to rise about the instruments before they can claim to be the next Arcade Fire or anything. For free though? Good fun.

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