Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blood on the streets of Tranna

This summer, on the dark streets of Toeranna...
The End...?


It's tempting as all hell to stop with only this, but that would be just a tad irresponsible...

So Victor, my new roommate, dropped a mason jar while washing the dishes. It shattered and his left hand got deeply cut as it went on it's way to try and catch the jar - meeting the shards at a goodly speed. There's no nerve damage or anything else that should be long term, luckily he was cut in "the best possible way", but he gets to put up with bandages and pain and all the rest for the next three weeks. He'll be fine, but maybe those of you who know him may want to drop a line?


Shawn M. said...

Well, that almost explains the mask.

I wonder too how many people are going to wish they hadn't checked your blog from work, or another public area? Is this post worthy of the titillating "NSFW" tag? It's hard to say! So many things are so hard to say!

Also, tell Victor that he doesn't seem to have the best luck at not getting hilariously injured. Also, that I wish him well?

Author said...

OMG...well, thank goodness you were there to capture it on film!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, why can't I get a nice respectable injury like that? Nooo, I'm stuck with André Malreux and similar humiliating ailments.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

It was good times!

I'm in the living room, hear a smash and then I come around the corner to see Victor's hand gushing like mad (he hit an artery) and asking me to put his wallet in his pants. Then he ran like crazy for the hospital!


Seriously, there was a Hansel and Gretel trail from the sink to the hospital. Pretty wacky!

Andy said...

Well, looks like Oliver will be doing the dishes for the next little while!

Oliver Brackenbury said...