Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Two days into 2008 and I reckon I'd best do up this year's "End of a Year" post before it becomes time to do the next one.

So that'll be my next post.

For now, I'll share this great look not so much at climate change but the "Economy vs Environment" pseudo-debate. It involves, particularly near the end, points which I've been banging on about for ages but is much - let's say "consumer friendly" - than a tirade from yours truly. I recommend going to the guys YouTube account for further info.


Shawn M. said...

Yeah, I remember telling you about the video with the quadrents - which was, I think, the same one this dude was referring to when he speaks of the last video he made!

It garnered a lot of attention because it was pretty air-tight once the risk-quotient was introduced.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Mmmhmmm....I greatly appreciated the way said (though I paraphrase here) "this is basically the top problem, if you're having trouble figuring out whether to worry about this or Darfur" and then explained why that is the case.