Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Well, I'll be jiggered

I guess it can pay to hold out, sometimes. I just got a callback from the publishing company in Hammersmith which I had to turn down and they've offered me the job again, but with a pay I could live on and save with. It's not quite what I was making at Network Rail, but I'll be receiving valuable job training and getting that foot in the door with publishing which I've been seeking alongside the film and television bit. The big thing about this is that if I decide to come back to Canada for good in September of next year, I'll have some valuable job experience on my CV and thus won't be coming back to square one...only two years closer to the grave.

Plus I'm going to get to use my....whaddya call it.....degree.

In minor celebration I'm going to share some great George Carlin, who I've been enjoying the hell out of lately.

You may not be surprised to learn that some of the "...but he loves you" piece was used as a chapter introduction by Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion.

1 comment:

T said...

That's really exciting news, about the job offer. Who would have thought you'd actually get an opportunity to apply your education?!?! ;P
Hope you enjoy it!