Thursday, March 22, 2007

No Brand Quality Goods

So I was fiddling with Statcounter and I figured out how see what cities people are logging in from. Sometimes you get more details - I'm on to you Kate, you were using a work computer for leisure purposes. HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHTS?Hello to my German reader! You were the most unexpected of all.
Work was a dream today as I got to head down to Euston, instead of the usual Barking, for a bit of additional training. This only took up half the day, so I had a potter around Oxford Circus and Soho Square etc, camera in tow. Aside from more pictures to be used in the Clive webcomic project, I got a few which tickled me - maybe they will tickle you? Obsoive.Some nice mural action from Tottenham Court Road.
I know that, technically, this is ugly - but I like it. Heck, it probably plays some role in my being able to access the internet. Praise be to the ugly BT monolith!This is a little side street area behind the tall shopping facades of Oxford Circus. Here I found a little bit of street art which I thought I would take a picture of before the dudes from Boston came to defuse it. Also, several record shops with really old stuff! True story.
Back on Tottenham Court Road I discovered a really neat company whose shop I'm definitely returning to. It's called Muji and they sell a wide assortment of daily living goods from stationary to furniture. I really admire the minimalism, prices and environmental undertones to their stuff. Not to mention that they have some very intelligently designed items, like a cd player/stereo that works like a lamp and biodegradable speakers.

Meanwhile I'm meeting with someone tonight for a mutual sniffing of behinds before, potentially, embarking upon some script work. Wish me luck?


Anonymous said...

you just going to sit there and take it? t-rex is calling you out man!!!

Oliver Brackenbury said...

So it seems! But I just got back and it's late and I gotta sleep before work tomorrow and OH MY LORD THIS IS INSANE...


Anonymous said...

That is actually really creepy. I'm being watched. I'm sure of it.

*looks around furtively*

In other news, Jess and I went to see "Fido" tonight- it's a new Canadian zombie movie and you have to see it- I could have sworn you had directed it but you didn't :(