Sunday, February 04, 2007

Film making, how about it?

Graffiti aside, I've been hunting for film courses and collectives which could help me get out into the London film scene. So far Panico Films looks to be the top contender, if only because they are offering courses as well as a continuing source of rentable equipment and local filmscene events. Though they do offer two writing courses I'd have to say that I think I'm already capable of all the things they promise to teach in the first one. The other writing course looks interesting since it takes more of a Director/Producer angle. I'm familiar with some of what it promises to teach, but most of it would be fresh and for all I know there could be some important differences between how, say, agents work in England as opposed to Canada.

There are a couple of other courses that look interesting too...I gotta say, it's getting me pretty excited since the costs are all within my budget. I've just got to decide where to start! A big, added bonus is that this will not only lead to a trifecta of improved skills, contacts and equipment access but it will also help me keep momentum! The past month, though calmer and more comfortable than the previous three, has threatened to turn into a tedious routine which might have left me mired in a whole lot of nothing much.

As fun as my TheMovies shorts are, a dude hungers for more!

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