Monday, November 20, 2006

Chugga-lug Chugga-lug

If only to let you all know that I haven't gone and dug myself a burrow of unadulterated doom, I thought I'd mention that the weekend was beautiful. Though cold, it was closer to that familiar dry cold of Ottawa, and the sun was out at many an hour so as to illuminate the steady stream of picturesque scenes to be found during my three kilometer walk down the Thames. Along the way I came across the reason there were so many swans by the river last time I took pictures there, a full blown enclosure for the creatures. Having safely fed from human hands for years, these birds (some of which were half my height) are very characterful and not at all afraid to imply that maybe you should get out of their way.

I left my camera and all other gadgets at home, but next time I head that way I shall bring it to try and record some of the life-affirming scenes to be walked through along that path.

Today I'm picking up on some more leads and casting the net a little wider, so as to include good ol' data entry. I thought hard about this over the weekend and decided that, in the very beginning at least, it's really just an exercise in foolish pride not to accept anything less than one of the two specific job types I want in the long run. Casting my mind not too far back, to this summer, I have to wonder how much better things might have gone if I hadn't let pride cause me to quit two different jobs and then be thrust back into job hunting purgatory for weeks at at time.

Meanwhile, I've continued to plug away at the horror script and have dug up my copy of AcidForge so as to enjoy making a little music. As my buddy Joe would say, "Productive fun is the best kind".


Anonymous said...

Since WHEN is Ottawa dry cold? Maybe compared to jolly ol' England, but you need to spend some time out West (aka the mothership-Calgary) to truly appreciate what DRY cold means.

Ottawa frequently kicks me in the ass with its wet cold.

Shawn M. said...

Man, I couldn't play that iteration of "Doom" without laughing until incapacitated (which, as we both know, doesn't take long). I don't even know the guy pictured, but his face is far too ridiculous! And the thought of dozens of them flying towards you? I assume the sound they make is something like: "MNUUUUUUNH"

Anonymous said...

Damn, I was hoping you would finally show me that burrow of unadulterated doom. Watch out for the swans and geese. They crave bread and human flesh. If you think the swans are intimidating, check out the ravens at the Tower of London. When they look you in the eye, you know that they are contemplating taking your eye out and eating it.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Oh man, I was just thinking about that old guys shelter yesterday. Is it still up? Does it still look incredibly out of place?