Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'll have a White Irish please...

Good god, I was just signing up with another recruitment agency and eventually I got to the part where they ask if you'd be willing to give over your gender, race, religion etc. so as to help them meet their quotas. I always find this about as sensible and tasteful as making a point of telling people how many "ethnics" you know, so I opted out as usual.

Just to see, I explored the drop-down menue to learn how good ol' whitey is being categorized today. Instead of the usual "Caucasian" I saw three options.
  1. White
  2. White Irish
  3. White Other
Somehow, I doubt I need to expand upon the numerous troubles that I - or any thinking person might - have with this list. Good gravy....


Anonymous said...

I've only ever seen that in the UK, and it's probably because of all the anti-Irish discrimination there used to be/still is a bit.

leah said...

leah again..

in almost all the surveys i have to do on people one of the questions is on ethnicity.. and the white choices are always 'white british', 'white irish', and 'other white background'. it is amazing how many english people are VERY offended by the fact that there is no white english option. i tell them that would fall into white british. then they yell at me that if scottish people can call themselves scottish then they should be able to call themselves english. i then try and explain to them that any scottish people would also be in the white british category, along with any welsh people. they then get all huffy and refuse to answer that question. yarrr.

leah said...

oh. i guess if i log into blogger it tells you i'm leah anyway...