Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tonight We Link To YouTube

Yes, the trailer for "Tonight We Fall In Love" is finally online. The compression required to post it on YouTube has reduced the quality, but not to a mongoloid level.

My father has a friend who specializes in video file manipulation who will take a crack at rendering a higher quality video which still fits within YouTube's hilariously tiny file size requirments. But hey, you get what you pay for and this is much better than nothing. That being said, I think I shall wait until Dad's friend takes a crack at it before I send it out to production companies and other folk who I would like to give me money in exchange for my goods and services. Also before I send it to the cast/crew because I think they deserve only the best after the hard work they put in for naught but tasty sandwiches and a chance at fame.

Meanwhile, today was alright - despite finding out that getting a bank account in England is pretty damn hard compared to how it is in Canada. Mostly I am just pleased to be finally making good progress against the evil forces of jet-lag. It took all the way until 5pm before every cell in my body stood up to say "SIT DOWN AND STAY DOWN". This is hard because I want so very much to keep going. My mind is almost constantly twittering away, working on ways to get the basics set up so that I can then have the time to waste on the finer things. Ah well, I suppose it could be a lot worse. I could be working for Joshua Blahyi.

Meanwhile I finally tooled about connecting my camera to my cousin's computer. More pictures will arrive as I find things worth taking pictures of - which should be in the near future as I hit downtown London and/or Broadstairs in the coming weekend. My cousin and her husband are both getting back this weekend from long, seperate and draining trips. After seven weeks apart, I reckon I should let them have some privacy with which to rest and catch up. Christ knows I wasn't ready to entertain company when I got off at Gatwick.

They are not the same as us and the vice is versa!
1) Apparently I cannot hate Google Maps too much. Today I discovered how a good deal of roads will continue without any physical interruption, but at some point they will change names and even switch up the numbering system. All I could do at the time was cut a fatted calf and spill it's blood on my copy of "London A-Z", in the hopes that everything would be okay.


Anonymous said...

...Oliver, you must swear an oath to me now, before man and God, that you will one day film "My Internship with Joshua Blahyi" in the style of Mexican Surrealism.

The whole London street thing sounds about right. I normally looked up where I was headed and memorized the turns etc. for where I was headed. The beauty of the tube system is that they provide wonderful landmarks. I suppose they are less wonderful up in Tottingham.

Anonymous said...

Dear Man without the Pants;

I must ask if you'd be able to post those pictures that you took from the day we went to the Carp Fair.

Girl without the Socks

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I would love to! I tried to post a couple of other pictures last night, but an odd thing would happen. I'd do all the right things, eventually getting a little window that said "The Picture has successfully loaded", or words thereabouts. Then I would publish the post and see...no picture.

I do not have the technical skills to pay these particular bills. Since I posted pictures just fine from my laptop when I was in Canada, I can only assume this has something to do with my cousin's computer.

Hopefully, when she gets back this weekend, I will be able to figure a way to get my laptop hooked up to inernet and post many a picture.

Appropriate pictures, one and all.

Meanwhile, THANKS MOM. I am thanking her sarcastically! You see, mum kept saying "Tottingham" over and over in our discussions of my upcoming trip - brainwashing me into that spelling. For the record it is "Tottenham".

Tom, I hearby swear that very oath.