Wednesday, February 20, 2008

! (Big ol' Fire at Queen & Bathurst)

So it turns out there are some bloody gigantic fires raging only a couple of blocks from me!
Update: So it's 2pm now and I've just gotten in from inspecting the scene for myself. I suppose it's my duty as a member of the new web 2.0 cybernation widget mo-fuck to upload them. So, without further ado and as this scene continues to unfold, here is...

AN UNFORTUNATE EVENT WHICH SO FAR HAS ONLY CAUSED PROPERTY DAMAGE, I THINK......AND THE SWEATY, HEAVILY BREATHING SCOPOPHILIACS WHO JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH!So far as I know, nobody has died or been terribly injured. Though I'm sure the store owners will see it as one, I don't see the nightly news dubbing this a terrible tragedy. So I'm not sure if I'm justified in getting a little annoyed at how I spotted at least twenty people with cameras in the ten minutes I spent taking my own masturbation fodder. I just spoke with Rob on gchat and his explanation is as correct as it is short "It's big news". The end, Mr. Brackenbury, get off that high horse (which doesn't have any legs to stand on anyways...or maybe I'm the one without legs. We're going to need a wheelchair for somebody, is what I'm getting at here).

More on this when I get my thoughts together.


Anonymous said...

Some of those photographers could be insurance company staff or fire department, or the city. Rob's right it is big news.
Life in the big city!

Anonymous said...

Oliver, did you torch Suspect Video because Dream Quest was terrible?

Oliver Brackenbury said...


Actually, my room mate half-seriously thinks it may have been arson by condo developers who are hungry to get those pesky non-condo sites out of the way. There was also a theory about a meth lab, on the news that is, but it was debunked fairly quickly.

Anonymous said...

I want to cry!
That god it's a heritage site so they can't put up a Walmart or gross condos.