Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Prognosis: Yes.

For a bit of contrast with my shot from two days ago, here is a non-misty picture from the same spot. Moving on, let's saunter down to the "Giant's Golf Ball" - which no longer seems to be directly working within the military anymore.It now seems to be working on behalf of Canadian Space Services Ltd. and is also, according to the signs out front, somehow connected to an Internet service at ? Anyways, I caught a few more fun shots along the far side of the Diefenbuker land while I was walking down to the "radome".I'm not sure what the hell this thing is - an emergency exit maybe? Something to do with ventilation?For a fan of Fallout and other such things, this sign is pretty money.In case of apocalypse, do up your goddamn seatbelt.Another view of the "golf ball". Along this river, and not far from the bridge I was standing on, there is a huge beaver dam that gets dynamited by humans only to be rebuilt by long suffering beavers every single year.Then we have a glimpse of the Diefenbunker as seen from afar, while standing on......the lone railway which passes through many a farmers field and......past the "mighty" Carp river, which I remember caused a furor when folk were trying to build the Palladium/Corel Centre/ Scotiabank Whore n' Hockey box (for kids) on account of how it might have been "navigable" or not. Oh yes, it won't be long now before I set my gambling barge along it's swift currents and sip mint juleps while listening to the sound of my coffers being filled with the money of desperate men.Coming into town we see the most ill advised corporate logo since that brief summer when Subway decided to use a blurry jpg of a blistered anus. And finally we have the Carp Agricultural Society building, where the weekly Farmers Market is held most of the non-winter year.Will the be more of Carp to show? Prognosis: Yes.

1 comment:

Author said...

I'm pretty sure it is an exit... it goes right down to the bunker... when I was a kid, I had a friend whose Dad was stationed at the bunker and I think I remember we got to go through fun little side exits like that (though, I could have just had a very vivid imagination as a child - a strong possibility). Makes you wonder how secure that bunker would have actually been, had it actually been used.