Monday, January 07, 2008

All quiet on the western FONT

Is that a pun?

I do not think it is a pun.

Now that the holiday season is over I'm pretty much just focusing on getting a job and a place in Toronto ASAP...which means few immediate adventures to put up here, sadly. That being said, those long promised pictures of "What Carp Has To Offer" will likely get taken (and then uploaded) tomorrow, as any lad who wishes to avoid The Fear should take a break from job/house hunting at least once in the dang ol' day.

Until then I shall just upload this reminder that you are On The Internet - a stupid, slightly drunken New Years Eve clip that was taken while my pal Joe and I did our darndest to get set up for a purty picture.

Alcohol is spilled. Shame is increased.

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