Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Phase One...complete?

So I have a place and a room mate to share it with. That is pretty okay! It's downtown and near all sorts of neat things. I should be moving in this weekend and that's all that's fit to print right now. Life will continue to be a bit of a madhouse until I get a job and am settled into this new place, but hey - progress!


Anonymous said...

Damn, you really are making progress. This is a veritable blitzkrieg of moving. I take back calling you a flagrant communist and reporting you as a scab to the Writer's Guild of America.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I just hope to hell this is a long term move. When I slip down to Kensington from North York it will be the tenth move since I originally left home in July of 2001. Ten moves! Seven and a half years! AUUUUGHGHGH

Also, I wouldn't be so quick on the communist retraction.

Anonymous said...

Seven moves in ten years? Are you registered with the Guild of Vagabonds and Transients yet?