Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh the fallacy of all skyscrapers being phallacies

I'm a goddamn 195 pound blogging machine today!

This, this is a thing to take pride in.

A friend and former coworker from my Network Rail job in London has recently moved on to a position in the rather interesting London Shard Project. It aims to not only be another distinctive part of the London skyline, a la the Gherkin, but to create "a vertical city". I find this highly amusing as such a concept has shown up frequently in the bleak, long-running, British sci-fi comic Judge Dredd. We can only hope that the future residents of this impressive piece of architecture do not succumb to Block Mania. Seriously though, it is a fascinating project - I recommend at least checking out the slick animated building guide and the image gallery.

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