Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Aggregate Rewards of Notebooking

Just a moment I thought I'd share.

In preparation for meeting with folk to discuss future film collaboration in Canada, as well as to help myself decide which script to develop next, I've been spending time at the local library organizing my ideas into index card length summaries - title, genre, length, amount of work already done, novel points of the hardest part, a one or two sentence synopsis.

While plunging through my last notebook I reached a blank page and figured I was done. Flipping the page out of habit, I came across several more pages filled with notes. "Bleurgh" I sighed at the thought of having more stuff to summarize. Then it occurred to me that there are certainly worse problems for a writer then having too many neat ideas. Sheesh!

But yeah, hurrah for notebooks. With eighteen months of notes to go through, I certainly won't feel at a loss for concepts to pitch!

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