Sunday, October 07, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: East European techno is, by and large, proven to kill baby birds and kind ideas

I have discovered this by being kept up most of the night by it. Thank you, pseudo-anonymous house party that the police finally busted up at five am.

Thus I have spent the day feeling rumbled, properly. But if I don't post a First World Problems comic then, by gum, I shall post something.

Meanwhile, here is an Ottawa/Oliver centric crossword that my friend Cathy sent over as part of a birthday gift a while back. I scanned it in before I did it and just now remembered that I had done so! This is a most factual account.
Addendum: Hey, if it's good enough for Chris Onstad then it's good enough for me.


Shawn M. said...

What I like about that crossword is that one of the first things that jumped out at me is "Ellgin Sneet."

Shawn M. said...

Sorry, "Elgin Sneet Tar." And I could be wrong but isn't the closest thing to the real answer "Elgin Stheet Dinner?"

Oliver Brackenbury said...


Dear sir or madam,

You are maybe on the drugs a little.

But just enough.

The Managment

Shawn M. said...

My first reply was admiring the myriad red herrings, but then I came to notice that while searching for an actual example of "Elgin Street Dinner" (I was being kind enough not to mention the "Dinner" bit!) that it's not even in there! Now that is just devious.

Prove me wrong, kids! Prove me wrong.