Thursday, October 11, 2007

Writin' writin' drawin' writin' switchin' the second update to "during the working week" (hey, it works for Templar - which I recommend by and by, though you'll want to start from the beginning) so I can afford things like being interviewed or attending the weekly scriptwriters meet that starts the week after next. Will it be full of chumps or champs? I guess I'll find out on the 23rd.

Meanwhile, check out this guy. A New Yorker who tries to live (along with his wife and child) at as close to zero ecological impact as possible. If this was in a field in the middle of nowhere it'd be kind of interesting, but in New York? Makes me wonder what I could pull off...and gets me thinking about affordable solar panels.

DOUBLE Meanwhile: Hello friends of Sara! The interview was good fun, even if I did ramble off on some of the worst diatribes. I'm still trying to remember how I got from talking about Facebook etc to coining the phrase "Schrodinger's Penis". At one point I was asked "Will this be blogged about?".



Anonymous said...

I had read his blog before, and I do think it's an interesting project. That being said, I'd love to read more about people who have actually made this switch long-term. It seems like we've been "bombarded" (at least compared to before) with stories of people going zero-impact/local food only/whatever for a year at a time, and they all seem to return to normal (with a few changes) lives after that year is up.

A year isn't that long. You can "survive" almost anything for a year- even in New York. I honestly think the more interesting story is the people that make a long-term (even life-long) change.

Anyhow, if you're itnerested in his blog, you might be interested in this book- Better Off : Flipping the Switch on Technology by Eric Brende. He's a former student of my History of Technology prof, and he moves to Amish country and gave up virtually all technology for several years (I won't give away the ending) It's quite interesting.

Ηυσεβιος Μαρκος said...

i'm not exactly sure why...and I do feel a tad ignorant even admitting this, but after reading a few strips it reminds me a bit of mister Derick Robertson...mabye it's the allusion to Gonzo lol

Shawn M. said...

Speaking of The Environment, Mr. Gore just won the Nobel Peace Prize!


Oliver Brackenbury said...

Marc: Ha! Why on Earth should that make you feel ignorant? I can see why Robertson came to mind too. Spike has a similarly smooth style and also pays a lot of attention to background detail - plus they have both designed interesting fictional cities.

Kate: That does sound pretty awesome! I'm stacked up on books (thanks to those cheap, recycled classics I mentioned) but I have added this to my list of things to investigate.

Shawn: I can smell the shame from here boy! CLEAN UP YO ACT

Anonymous said...

You can borrow it at Christmas if you want. It's well-worn.

Shawn M. said...

Hey, I didn't vote for Bush! Also, the majority of Americans didn't vote for him either? But eh, that's old news and like with everything else he's done the stupid nation basically just shrugged emphatically and collectively said, "Well, here we are. This is where we are."

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Thanks Kate! I'll take you up on that, if I remember to.