Monday, October 08, 2007

Of many coloured men and explosions

Tomorrow night I'm looking forward to what should be an interesting interview. Someone I recently met is coming by to film me as interview fodder for her documentary on Internet community websites and Internet identities in general. Considering what a raging cynic I've been about this until....well pretty much until I came to England and felt that I actually had a decent reason to start a blog, I think I should be able to provide some usable content. It almost goes without saying that I'm cleaning up my apartment, lest filthy bachelor ways be exposed to a viewing audience.

In my own film antics, about two weeks from now Myspace Man* will be free from his professional obligations and we're going to meet to plan out shooting schedules. Though he and I might try and do a one-day shoot thing for a warm-up before the post-apocalyptic short, I'm generally done when it comes to writing stuff in relation to working with him. So now I'm fondling the loose threads of some of my scripts to see which one I want to run with. A short is something I could shop around to another collaborator and thus get more of my stuff out "there" faster...but it's been over a year since I finished my last feature length script and I really want to take a hack at another, especially since I have a detailed treatment for one.

I've even been looking back past my script notebooks and into old Wordperfect files holding my high school short stories. Thanks to mum sending me a photocopy of it, I can even amuse myself by looking back to the very first story I ever "penned". The quotation marks are there because I dictated it to mum while at the age of five during my first March break. Maybe you'll find it precocious, maybe mundane but here she blows.
The Wars of China and Canada End
Written and illustrated (Sadly the drawings didn't photocopy well at all) by Oliver Brackenbury
Age 5

It all started under the Earths crust. There was a savage war between China and Canada. The sun rose into outer space and so did the moon and it was all dark all around the world.
Then China created the monsters from the water mines under the Earths crust and they created the dark monsters from the darkness of the world.
Canada created two powerful, glowing pink men and then they created the sun men from the sun and they were burning all around themselves.
Then the wars went on. Many got killed and came alive again because they were creatures that never die. After awhile the battle ended. Then China and Canada shared their food. They learned how to be friends.

Then one day Canada sprayed chemicals on their plants to keep bugs away but Canada made a serious mistake. The chemicals created very bad pink men. Then China did the same thing and created bad purple men.
The bad creatures they had created had a war once more. The Earth exploded and people were floating around the galaxy from their dead world.
Then God created Earth once more with gases and other things. He said "Go back to your world and have no more wars - have Peace!"

But the Canadian people got mixed up and went to China accidentally and the Chinese went to Canada accidentally. They all tried to take places back to their own places but they had to save money for their tickets.
In the end they all got home to their own country.

The End

I would have to say my favorite part is when everybody has to save up for their tickets. Truly this is a moral of fiscal responsibility. Oh and one thing I can tell from the photocopied drawings is that the Canadian monsters all had big teeth and must have been based on jelly finger puppets I used to have (Thanks, Internet!). The Chinese monsters seem to be basically bald humans who look very pleased with themselves. God is nowhere to be seen.

But then, isn't that always the way?

*For those of you recently tuning in, "Myspace Man" is my nom de plume for a fellow that I am collaborating on film projects with at the moment. Three guesses which ugly, poorly designed social networking website I met him on.

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