Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I guess dog mess is a pretty serious threat to the human race



Shawn M. said...

What tends to confuse me is the belief some have that the climate change 'scare' is a 'plot' designed to make money. Who the fuck benefits from this? Liberals also have to sacrifice in order to have a more positive impact on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Right and some still think smoking is a healthy pastime.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Well, I console myself with the thought that in the greater public debate...smoking being unhealthy really isn't up for debate anymore. Hopefully, soon, we'll reach that kind of consensus on the environment.

It's just such a pain in the ass that after the last few years of fear being the big motivator of the publice, most people are resistant as hell to being properly afraid of what climate change can do! It's hard to blame them after all the false scares and horsehit but damn talk about bad timing.