Monday, July 16, 2007

He was my hero when I was six years old

Sorry for being a bit quiet folks, I'm really trying to nail that thirty second advertisment script as I really want that Junior Copywriter job in Soho. The deadline is tomorrow though, so I reckon some healthier updates will be along the way. There is, in fact, a post I've been meaning to put up for four days but when you see it you'll understand why I wanted to take the time to word it carefully.

Until then, here is the dude, the dude who everyone should know talking about the topic we all need to be engaged with. I don't mean George Strombolpolobolopbolopblopobus.


Shawn M. said...

It makes me so happy that Prime Minister Harper, a big fan of the American system, wants to take Canada away from the values which actually seperate us from the United States (specifically in the eyes of countries all around the world).

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I can't wait for him to get thrown out on a no-confidence vote.