Saturday, July 21, 2007

First World Wonderings

Well how about that, a satisfactory sketch of Devon. I think her exceptional height is at least suggested, her hair is what I wanted and I even managed to avoid the dreaded crummy boobs.
And another one of Clive.
Not to mention this one of Ben, whose expression I find oddly charming. I guess I find apprehensive fear charming? I also rather like his hair.
So I've been frigging around with the wacom tablet a lot and though I think I'm certainly capable of at least doing a good tracing job over one of my sketches....I cannot seem to find a drawing tool in GIMP that doesn't produce super pixelated lines. I'm trying to work very large and then shrink things down, as Jeph Jacques recommends, but I think that my not having a gigantic monitor is making this very difficult. It's a shame because I was hoping that when tracing onto another layer, I could fix anything which my non-computer inking may have blotched.

The learning curve is also holding back the site itself, though steady progress continues to be made when time can be allocated to it.

At the end of the day, though, I find that the art can be beautiful but if the writing is poor then I just do not give a flying fiddlers fuck*. I could find dozens of examples of this but A) I don't want to get into the habit of slamming other webcomic folk and B) I'd have to look up a bunch of comics I no longer have the URL's bookmarked for, then relive the disappointment. Meanwhile, fretting about getting the writing PERFECT for the first five strips is also absurd, given that it always takes a webcomic (or TV series, for that matter) time to find it's feet - and feet ain't found except by using 'em!**.

There is also something to be said for just getting the damn ball rolling. So sometime (probably late) tomorrow, the first official strip of First World Problems will go online and I shall link to it here.

*Sheesh, MORE cussing.
**This metaphor almost works. Almost.

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