Saturday, January 06, 2007


Yeah I guess climate change is a load of baloney to fool us into paying higher green taxes or some such shit. It's not like anything remarkable is happening as a result or nothing, no sir, hey did you hear what Tits #4 did lately?


Anonymous said...

Hah! I was right, the ice shelf did look for Oliver Brackenbury to make him cry! Also, I care not what Tits #4 did, especially not after her Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct moment.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Yeah but Tom, here is the thing.

Climate change isn't funny! It's the most deadly serious thing going man! Making jokes about it is roughly akin to making jokes about someones recently dead grandma to their face, as they are burying her. Also you killed her, with your genitals.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I wasn't saying that Tom thought it was hooey, I just cannot stand any levity being attached to the matter whatsoever.

I fully appreciate that this is being pretty sensitive, but I am having a really hard time quelling my terror at what we have in store for us!

Just the fact that Ottawa is consistently having positive temperatures at this time of year makes me want to run out into the street and start a riot, or a movement, or something just to get people to take it more seriously.

Via newspapers, television, das internet and good ol' talking to the natives - I have run into a staggering amount of people who either think Climate Change is a crock of shit or who simply want to put their head in the sand and hope it doesn't get too bad before they die.

As someone who doesn't allow himself the flagrant luxury of believing in some magical fucking fairy kingdom that I get to go to when I die, who does believe that this planet and this life are all we've's just mortifying beyond any threat of personal violence or existential dilemma that anyone could posit to me!