Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The first rule of Script Club is you are not allowed to reference Fight Club. The second rule is you are not...

Last night I wished I'd had my camera on me. Popping out of Picadilly Circus tube station and wandering along through the west side of Soho - parallel to Regent street - at the twilight hour was something special. Not to mention the pleasant feeling of being amongst piles of milling commuters when you yourself are in no big rush. Coming through Carnaby street I saw the commuters steadily being replaced with people in the mood for a night on the towne.

The pub chosen for the first meeting was a real charmer that apparently is part of a small chain who only sell drinks brewed by the company - you can't buy a Heineken or a Magnors here...not even a coke. There is still a decent selection and as a result of keeping it all in-house the prices are noticeably better than most any other establishment in central London. The chain is called "St. Thomas''" I think, but I'll check again later.

I'd get into details about the people who showed (it didn't end up being just me and the guy organizing it, thank the lard) but that would be going against my personal rule against making everyone I know paranoid I'll write up everything they do in my company. Suffice to say, they seem decent and a nice enough evening was had to guarantee I'll be back next week. It was interesting to sit and talk with a group of strangers and immediately know you had something very specific passion in common, something you don't just like but which drives you and influences almost every decision you make. Trite but true.

I'll definitely bring my camera next week...

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