Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The British Musem: Part 2

The design of the central chamber was not what I was expecting at all...And a few shots from the west wings "Enlightenment" section, just past those lovely clocks.
I rather enjoyed the way this wing made you feel like you were in the library of an eccentric member of the aristocracy...which only makes sense given how such individuals have often given financial aid to the museum over the years.While I fiddled around the neighborhood briefly, I found a specialty store where one could - if one were so inclined - dagger canes and swordsticks.
I may go back for an estimate. Just out of curiosity, you understand.
Tomorrow will undoubtedly yield a comic, but Thursday I'll be showing some of those Greek treasures which the British Museum is "keeping safe". Until then!


Anonymous said...

The Great Court is one of my favourite places in the WHOLE WORLD! Did you go in the reading room?

Anonymous said...

So... I guess it's time for Kate's hilarious, yet ridiculously stupid, British Museum story.

I'll make it short: we thought the "Elgin marbles" were actually marbles. Like the kind little kids play with? Everybody kept saying we HAD to see them, and we couldn't figure out why. We decided to try anyways, and people kept trying to show us the room with them in there. It was priceless.

The Egyptian section is my favourite by far, although the marbles were great once I figured out what I was supposed to be looking at.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Yeah I did! It was pretty neat and I wish I hadn't discoverd it only five minutes before I had to go line up for the Terracotta warriors. It was very impressive though! Heck, the whole place was.

I'd go on more here, but I'm going to be doing that tomorrow so I'd best save it.

Also, don't worry Kate. I knew someone who didn't get the pun in The Beatles name until they were nineteen. We all have us some moments!

Oliver Brackenbury said...


Hello Heather! I thought you were another Heather until I clicked on your profile and realized you were one of my New Zealand readers. Thanks for coming by!

Anonymous said...

Haha, thanks, I'm still an avid reader. I love your photos, they make me all nostalgic.

I was in London for a couple of years. It was hell, but FABULOUS hell!

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Hell? oh dear.

I'm still pretty undecided to be honest, though the one year anniversary of my coming over is fast approaching and I'm sure I'll try to come up with a tally of some sort by the.

Ah well!

Thanks for enjoying the site!

Anonymous said...

What was "Hell" about the two years you were in London,Heather from N.Z? What was it like when you returned home? Do you regret going to "The Old Country."?
What would you do differently if you were to go back?

Anonymous said...

Well, tcg - granted, I broke up with my long-term partner while I was there which didn't help, but other than that it seemed a lot more effort to do normal domestic stuff (opening a bank account, getting the phone connected, getting my workmates to do the stuff they needed to do before I could do my stuff), my job was a trial, I suffered quite bad depression during the winters, and it was extremely difficult making friends. When I got back to NZ in summer 2002, I felt a palpable endorphin rush for six weeks from the sunlight, and I could just trip over someone in the street and I'd have a new buddy.

That said, I loved London SO MUCH! I would've stayed, but they buggered around with the visa requirements & I had to come home. Nearly all the other kiwis I've spoken to have said "I'm glad I went but I wouldn't want to go back". I'd love to go back, although the thing I'd do differently is to travel more. London was always a lot better after I'd had a holiday.