Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jeeeeesus Christ

THANK you Mr.Ban


Anonymous said...

As David Suzuki recently said:
"I feel as if I'm in a car headed for a brick wall, going 100 miles an hour, and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."

Oliver Brackenbury said...

A variation that I remember hearing years ago, which was about something else but still applies, went something like "This is like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic!".

But yeah, I love how the Chinese government obviously just doesn't fucking get it. Yes it's unfair that the Earth cannot afford for us all to have a tradional Western level of affluence - but the ecosystem doesn't give a shit what's fair! It won't put off serious problems until everybody has a fridge, a mobile phone and an X-Box 360!

Shawn M. said...

Mr Ban seems to be pretty cool thus far. He caught some flack when he had the gal to assert that perhaps some of the problems in Darfur are related to drought and general starvation brought on through climate change. Conservatives turned around and said, 'What an idiot and a fucker! He said that climate change is committing the genocide!'

Anonymous said...

Shawn m. Do you mean Gall? He may have a "Gal" too but that's none of our business. Just thought you'd like to know this as you appear to be the English Grammar Nazi!

Shawn M. said...

This isn't over, Gremlins!

Anonymous said...

As a humble Gallio myself, not like some Galoots who go Gallumphing in their Galligaskins creating a Gallimaufry of Galvanic literary judgements ,like the Gallinazo's they are, I prefer to Galvanize my defenses against what appears to be a full Gallup of a threat.
And all this time I thought you were a Gallant?