Thursday, June 07, 2007

Apparently you can set off an atom bomb in the sky without the general public knowing?

Tom just, quite fairly, asked me how on Earth he could miss this?

I'd like to ask, how did I? How could anyone? Was this ever given proper news coverage?


Anonymous said...

I mean, how often can we miss a fucking meteorite hitting the earth and almost launching a Pakistan/Indian nuclear war? What the hell was I doing in 2002?

Oliver Brackenbury said...

E-bad touching yourself?

Honestly, my first instinct is to think it was suppressed so that people wouldn't freak out.

But that really only applies to the news media of the previous decade(s)! If they'd whipped us up about that then I'm sure we would have given up more liberties/bought more shit at Target.

Shawn M. said...


I remember watching an excellent program detailing our myriad blind spots in terms of areas unwatched (or rarely watched) off-planet. So theoretically a comet could come and incinerate us and we'd have little to no warning - so long as the damn thing plays its cards right.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, if I ever became PM (After forming the Terror and Sodomy Party of Canada), I would so totally build an anti-meteor/asteroid system. Maybe some kind of giant mass driver (because they're cool) or something. Unlike our southern creationist neighbours, I am well aware of what a well placed rock can do to a planet.

Personally, I'm more worried about Global Warming setting up another Permian Mass Extinction scenario.