Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Metro Gnomes

I'm tired and I still need to write but nonsense puns I'll never find the context for are constantly interrupting. I think I'm obsessing a bit but oh ,wait, there is a second wind and I better use it. The forces of distraction marshalled their forces rather well in the past twenty-four hours and it's been a tricky ride - but I have my notes and my script chunks and I just need to Lego them into something I feel comfortable in calling a "First Draft". I've got more than a handful of things I want to post here but until I get this screaming, writhing, squiggly pack of ideas whipped up into an adorable, all-star amateur junior league celebrity hockey team then the following pictures shall have to suffice.

They are all of and around Fitzroy Square, a lovely patch of green which hid behind a place I went to for some additional job training today. The last one, I admit, is almost entirely for Shameful Thomas. Should it also give you pleasure, do not be ashamed.


Anonymous said...

I owe you a Coke! I could have sworn that I be it would have looked like a Mexican Magical Realist Meatgrinder being operated by a robotic General Butt-Naked.

At least things in real life are looking up for Liberia.

Robert.Near said...

none of those pictures look like Fitzroy Harbour at all. Whoever the designer of that park was totally got it wrong. Where are the SOCCER fields? The gas station? The camp site with the beach? I call bullshit.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Man Rob, I know eh? I kept looking for that stage on the water and the weird playground thing where you slid along a long cable.