Thursday, April 26, 2007

Attack of the filler posts

Man, I've been a bit lame this week. These things will happen when I am wrestling with script, I suppose!

It's the final lap now, though - I highly suspect tomorrow will carry a post whose length would give John Holmes cause to pause. I've definitely got a backlog of things to mention.

Meanwhile Shawn came across a rather timely and enjoyable video from England - I've just watched it three times in a row and I have got to get more of this guys stuff.

Note: The Four Elements of Hip-Hop


Ηυσεβιος Μαρκος said...

thou shalt not question stephen fry

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Heh heh.

My personal favorite was "Thou shalt not assume that any man over the age of 30 who is playing with a child that is not his own, is a pedophile. Some people are just nice."

Shawn M. said...

I was going to mention that one! I love Stephen Fry.

Shawn M. said...

Also, I wanted to stand up and cheer when he mentioned the equal work of world tragedies. Thirty individuals lose their lives in the Virginia Tech massacre, but around a hundred Iraqis die daily.