Monday, December 04, 2006

This past Saturday evening...

Saturday night was a good load of old fashioned fun out on the towne to celebrate Alex's 25th. Despite unintentionally mating with a large flower (I got pollen ALL IN MY HAIR I WAS SO UNHAPPY) I had a great time offering my services as the photo lad, so I thought I'd post a couple of pictures just to make sure y'all don't get the impression that I just sit on the edge of a gin-soaked bed, sobbing uncontrollably while idly clicking my way through A single tear filled with manly sadness slowly finding it's way down the nape of my neck to settle in the mustard-stained trim on my "I heart the UK" t-shirt.


Lance "Danger" Fury said...

you reach down to wipe away the tear, but the tear is a hand grenade

Shawn M. said...

Oh shiiiiiiiiit?

Lance "Danger" Fury said...

the internet is dangerous

Oliver Brackenbury said...

So are hand grenades. In this, the young couple can form a foundation of common interest which can lead to years of happiness.