Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hot Dawg : Episode Two


It seems that I have secured an interview for a data entry job on this coming Monday at 1pm in Barking. It would be for National Rail and though I normally wouldn't get excited about a data entry job, this one is quality for three reasons.

1) After reviewing the file sent to me, it seems my duties would be varied and interesting enough that suicide wouldn't seem a viable way to hurry up the end of the workday.
2) It is a full-time contract which runs through until April - thus I could keep looking for work in the meantime and would stand the best chance of getting something I want at precisely the time that the data-entry work would finish.
3) It seems to pay rather well! Not outrageous, but more than the 15,000 pa average which I've seen and certainly enough for me to move out of Reading and back into London with my own durn room n' stuff.

So the fingers? They are crossed.

Meanwhile, in celebration of the recent upswing in my days and the oncoming Christ-Mas, I allowed myself a treat. It's a computer game called "The Movies" which, as the title suggests, allows you to engage in amateur computer animation using basically the same universe and look as The Sims. Though you can enjoy watching little bars fill up from grey to green by managing a studio, the real draw was of course the actual film making. For my first effort, I thought I would do an introduction to a line of Dirk Hardwood serials, especially since I am having a devil of a time getting around to finishing the last written entry, between everything else going on. Hope you enjoy it! There are a pair of annoying typo's in the captions (which I have to use for dialogue right now, as I don't own a microphone) but otherwise I'm very happy with it.


Anonymous said...

Hoping you are successful in this endeavor and if so then another coincidence will occur.
You will be working for the railways just like your grandfather Reginald.

History is a funny thing.

Anonymous said...

which gremlins

Anonymous said...

£15,000? That's a helluva lot of Canadian money! If you get that job, I will be forced to label you a limozine liberal high-roller who consumes nothing but the finest chicken milk (possibly while weaping softly). Bon chance!

Shawn M. said...

I think one or both of your parents is/are losing it!

Anonymous said...

No Shawn, you must realize there are LOTS of Gremlins in Carp !

Anonymous said...

so many gremlins, like you wouldn't believe

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Sometimes they make nice dinners for you!