Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Heart Was Not Programmed For Such Joy





Which means I also have now been able to secure the apartment in Islington!


Though I had to leave a message, I imagine I will hear back from the woman who is interested in paying me to work on her script (not much, but so what? It's film experience and the data entry will do plenty to keep me fed). So that qualifies as a film lead, for sure, on top of some beginnings of contacts which I will be able to develop more fully upon being in London.

So this means that I am succeeding in the goal I set myself, even the bit about my first or second job being one where I can wear fancy pants. This is the exact opposite of a non-day, today is...I don't even know what term could accurately describe a 24 hour period in which everything just went right all of a sudden.

Obviously this is not the end of Difficulty, but it's a glorious launch into something I have dreamed about for literally years. I have done at least three ridiculous victory dances, with absurd and obscene lyrics to accompany, and I still haven't been able to completely calm down since the job confirmation from an hour ago.


Anonymous said...

wow, awesome news man! congratulations!

Shawn M. said...

gratz lol, u dinged in rl

Seriously though, that's fantastic news. News you can use.

Anonymous said...

So, you're working for National Rail? Good work, man. A winner is you!

Lance "Danger" Fury said...



Unknown said...

Well done with the film work to boot good sir

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Thank you all! Even a couple of days later I am still super-pumped.

But there are many things to attend to and I will definitely be without a home internet connection for at least a week - though I think I saw a local internet cafe while I was in the neighborhood, so I might have a post on here during that time.

The moral of the story is that I will be quite the ENIGMA when it comes to internet presence for a while, but after that my life should finally be organized and routine enough that I can go back to my old ways of keeping way the hell on top of correspondence etc.