Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today I skipped a day

Good gravy, I think I just lost a day to nothing much in particular. A yawning void of nothing much seems to have gobbled it away and I haven't replied to any emails, finished the Dirk Hardwood installment I have saved at the 3/4 mark, done another sketch with the new pencils I treated myself to and meanwhile I ache all over with my own crapulence. Ye gods, is this what it is to be unemployed to the extreme?

I haven't heard about the three week contract again, so that means I'll be working just tomorrow and Tuesday. Ah well, I can see myself feeling ten times the man I've been today around tomorrow night when I make dinner after coming home from work.

Just a reminder that I do read all your kind and encouraging emails and messages. I just don't always have the time or energy to reply to them as soon as I normally do....and once a year, maybe, I have a non-day like today.

Never had a non-day? I don't recommend it.


Anonymous said...

I'd like a non-day, but I'm currently hitting my breaking point of stress. Fuck you final papers and exams!

Shawn M. said...

If you feel shitty, then I suppose a non-day is something terrible.

On the other hand (or "Otoh," if you're down with the inter nets), I think the occasional day of mental relaxation and recovery is pretty damn healthy. A break from your entire life can help to keep things in perspective!

Anonymous said...

well if it's any consolation I just had a non-day today :(

working on documentation? more like... browsing internet forums

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Oh dear, that sounds Something Awful!