Thursday, November 30, 2006


Thems was three long days! From getting up at 5:30am and spending about three hours commuting wrapping around nine hour days, I basically didn't exist outside of a data-entry context. Today, however, is a day to get things done! Haircuts (I need many), groceries, Christmas shopping maybe, further job hunting, doin' up a decent update on this here website and waging war on my overflowing inbox.

Phrases to look forward to in my later update
- Craven Idol
- Good Fortune
- Molten Chocolate Ejaculation


Shawn M. said...

Speaking of phrases, I've had the notion of 'sarcastic sex' in my head for two days straight. And for absolutely no reason. I just thought, What would it be like if a dude were having sex - really sarcastically?

Anonymous said...

Shawn, you are wonderful. All I have stuck in my head is the fear that Igor the Assassin will come to kill me at the behest of his sinister master Vladimir Putin.

Russia has become old school again, KGB Soviet old school. I am moderately distressed.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I think you'd be more distressed if you lived in Russia, my good man!

To answer your question Shawn, I think it would be very strained and more than a tad unsatisfactory for all parties concerned. Hey, remember when it was fashionable for idiots to act sarcastic all the time because it temporarily made them seem smart?

I do!

Anonymous said...

oh, sure you do