Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chuggida Chuggida

So I'm leaving around 4pm tomorrow - camera in hand - for the leafy, literature-soaked city of Oxford. Shall return sometime Sunday so as to see the new Borat film with the lads.

The past couple of days I've mostly been fighting the good fight, being careful not to lose focus or momentum. A temporary office or bar job should be mine soon and though it is not the main goal, I sure would like to have an income again! I've also started to dig up some useful film resources and even come across a UK/European satellite channel which takes independent film submissions. I'll have to read over the legal bits and think it over but hey, it might be a really interesting way to get my name out there.

Exploring more of Reading lead to seeing some pretty boids.

I've also been writing more and more, feeling almost a little posessed....which might explain this sketch. The climate change script comes easily, but I keep working on a horror script as well - which has a middle-aged (closer to 60 than 40) woman in the lead. I really want to try my hand at horror and I can get the necessary mood(s) whipped up...but it just doesn't come as easily as the climate change story. I guess having a little fire in your belly can really make the difference. It's certainly much easier to be passionate about climate change than cults...unless maybe I work in some totally transparent commentary on the power of religion to warp minds? Yes yes?
And then it turns out in the final scene that The Bible was the real sapphic vampire-lady all along...DUH-NAH!

I certainly was whipped up and pissed off about the unintentional duplicity and insincerity exhibited by people trying to "find someone" when I wrote Tonight We Fall In Love - which makes it all the more bizarre for me to go back over the script, since I am a much different person from when I began writing it at the age of twenty-two. I guess it's like reading old diary entries, for those who keep them.

Not much else to report - I went swimming with Tim tonight and after several laps (which made it painfully clear that I need to import Cathy that I might have a tennis partner again), I am more than ready for bed.

If only writing were somehow a cardiovascular sport!


Anonymous said...

A horror-script from you should be good, especially if you make it star Bjork and her disembodied mouth. Seriously, however, I love the idea of a late-middle aged woman in the lead. If you want to bounce horror ideas off of me to help the process, I'm game. Personally, however, I find Cyclops-Oliver terrifying beyond all reason.

In general terms of horror movies, however, I am really looking forward to Pan's Labyrinth, which I think looks really fantastic (and I mean that in multiple senses of the word. The Spanish Civil War is a criminally underused setting in film and literature.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I can't say as I'd mind doing that - I'll pass some of my notes along when I have time to type them up. Oddly (for me at least), I've been working entirely in pen and paper so far.

I completely agree about the Spanish Civil war and I am interested in Pan's Labyrinth as well. This is all bringing back scraps of memory about a spanish film which deals with two young girls that change their perspective on death in a very unique way after reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein....but the name escapes me at the moment.

And yeah...that drawing may or may not have been influenced by me listening to the "Of Children and Song" playlist on the ol' iPod. The right music is defintely the highway to horror for me.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, take the job!

At the very least, it's something on the table for now. Like you said, it wouldn't utterly consume your time - thus, it abets your jet-set, wham-bam, rock-cocked lifestyle.

That's my opinion.

Also, that sketch of yourself is perhaps the most terrifying thing that I've ever seen. Thus, perhaps it should be your new blawg avatar?

Anonymous said...

Wait wait wait wait wait.

I think I sort of responded to the wrong post?

I doubt you'll ever be able to consolidate my words and the content they refer to! Instead, you'll just punch yourself in the head and sort of scream "Nnnuuuh!" as often and loudly as possible!

Also, the idea of you taking the aforementioned job is that you could use the free time to look for other jobs and/or write? You'd also have some loose change all jangle-janglin' in your pocket.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

The sketch is oddly terrifying, but I shan't be using it as an advertisement for my features!

Also, there really is no question as to my taking the job. I need money and working in Oxford Circus, though a hell of a commute, could allow me to lay the groundwork of a social life for when I move into the Camden Town/Oxford Circus/Islington area.