Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Special super not so secret mock-up...

...for the new Handful site design, which I did up with my CSS enabled pal last night.The pocketwatch will be cleaned up a good deal, possibly with the chain re-attached to trail off into infinity and the cartoon version of yours truly on the right just MIGHT be of a higher quality. It will likely be faceless, primary coloured dealie with no facial features. I want it to be more of an icon than a false idol of one Mr. O T C B. It occured to me last night that I basically don't need newsposts much longer than the little blurbs Christ Onstad puts up sometimes over at Achewood, since I'm already sharing links on the left-hand side and as for talking with my audience....I'm kind of doing that in the video!

Kind of.


Shawn M. said...

Were you intentionally trying to give yourself a raging cameltoe?

Oliver Brackenbury said...


I shan't have such a thing in the final version, strangely.