Friday, May 23, 2008

How hot can a 'dang' get?

Well hot dang the noir treatment is done. Now to wait for a response - which might be bothersome if I didn't have ten other projects to occupy myself with! Yesterday I got a nice start on the web show work I need to have done for next week, so I reckon that's the thing to work on through the weekend. But not tonight - tonight I'm going to try and finish a painting I started, if for no other reason than that painting seems to use almost none of the same cuts of my brain as writing does and thus it makes a great way to recharge while still doing something.

I wish I'd done more in this first week, but I've done some comparisons with other things I've worked on since moving to Toronto and I still got shit done quicker and far MORE shit done in a shorter period of time - so I'm not really complaining. Plus I've needed

Meanwhile, for those who are amused by such things, here is the short playlist I listened to over and over to maintain the right mood for working on the noir treatment.

"Fly" by Luscious Jackson
"About Her" by Malcom McLaren
"Diabolus" by The Cinematic Orchestra
"Thread", "Theme to Kill a Dead Man", "Hunter", "Nylon Smile" and "The Rip" all by Portishead

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Writing Sabbatical: Day Three

Holy cow and a jumped up Jesus and beans I am having a real live Learning Experience folks. That is to say, my enthusiasm for getting things done has blinded me to something I already should have known and now I'm just clearing the mist from my eyes.

Basically, without the day job to force my mind off the noir treatment I have allowed it to rattle around in my head almost every minute of every day since Friday. I have pages of notes (satisfying) and nine tenths of the story plotted out (very satisfying) but keep finding myself staring holes in my notebook when trying to figure out that last tenth (agonizing). I set myself a deadline for "Some Time Tuesday", feeling it was realistic given the amount of time I had. Setting myself deadlines I know I can meet is something I felt I had a decent handle on. But what I didn't consider is the danger of burnout (frightening - okay I'll stop this) since I haven't had this much time to work non-stop on something since my last semester at Carleton.

So I've popped off what I have to my collaborator and decided to try a few things to rejuvenate.
  • Talk through what I have so far with my friend who's coming over for dinner.
  • Catch a film noir movie at the Bloor tonight.
  • Wake up tomorrow and work on the web show or at least not the treatment for the first half of the day.
In the remaining time of this sabbatical I think I'm going to make a point never to spend a full day on something if my deadlines allow. Burn out is burn out, regardless of the precise route you take there.

Addendum: Oh man this kind of thing is scary if you think about it for even a nano-second.

Possible holdover

This treatment is taking a little longer than expected. I'm looking at finishing it today but maybe not early enough to get a post in here before tomorrow. Just in case, I thought I'd provide this to tide you over.I just typed an obscenity into google image search, but if memory serves I think this originally came from KC Green - who is pretty okay.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writing Sabbatical: Day Two

So here we are, day two of my Self Employed Screenwriter Simulation. So far it is okay! I like the commute but my boss is a jerk haw haw haw. Discipline has not been perfect but then hell I just started. Really, the only trouble has been rule #4 on account of social commitments I made before I knew precisely when this thing would be starting.
Yesterday was mainly research and writing. The current treatment I'm working on, for a producer/director I met through, is looking to be a modern film noir with heavy involvement in the resurgent burlesque scene. This made me feel less of a shit for going out to this last night, since - and I'm only half joking here - it qualified as additional research. Honestly, if I'd not gone I might have forgotten that burlesque is not just dancing and jokes but also singing...which may or not play into the treatment as I finish it up today.

So okay Mr. BigBalls why are you writing a post here if it's within your working hours? Well sir, partially this can be blamed on my spending some time learning CSS and thus my mind being put in the realm of blags. The other is to help find focus on the day's work by discussing it with you lot. My parents are self-employed and have been as long as I can remember. All through the years I've been reminded by them that one of the biggest troubles with working for yourself is discipline and focus - since you don't have a boss to enforce both. They weren't kidding! I've gone into this sabbatical with eleven writing projects at various stages, as well as the challenge of learning enough about Adobe Premiere and CSS to facilitate one of those eleven. It is tempting as hell at times to try and work on most or all of these projects at once!

Luckily, for more than one reason, I am getting paid for the project I'm working on today and that has pushed it right up the priority list. The second on the list is the final manifestation of the monologue style web show - now that I've finally found a decent hook for it - if only because I have someone willing to produce and promote the bloody thing. But the editing and web design are in my modestly capable hands and so we have me learning how to write an entirely different kind of script altogether.

Anyways, when I come out the other side of writing the treatment then a new Scriptin' Fancy-Like post can be expected. I'd like to do more of those in the coming weeks.