Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh lord...

...Achewood is magnificent. I have just got to share this Fridays edition, which contains the relavatory comment: ""You know who never gets to give a high-five after a job well-done? A mortician". This fact is, of course, provided by a five year old otter.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Maybe I shouldn't post every little clip I make...

...but what the hey. The Movies is definitely something in which you can easily make pure schmaltz with the greatest of ease. I've definitely enjoyed learning it's strengths and weaknesses over the past few days but in the end, I would of course prefer to have a bunch of my own footage and the latest edition of FinalCut Pro. It's a damn shame that programs like that are made so prohibitively expensive for the average lad or lady at the very beginning of their career. All the more reason for me to hurry my ass back into London so I can start finding subsidised arts collectives like Ottawa's own SAW gallery.

Meanwhile, I just got my first haircut in England WOOOO!


Yeah, so things are trundling along nicely. Sorry I haven't had any big, photo-worthy adventures lately! I wish I had! But mostly I've been a writin' and a jobbin' these past few days, in-between butting my head against numerous catch-22's present within the process of getting myself integrated into The System. Lord knows I'll have some useful advice for anyone who chooses to move to England once all this is said and done. Though it isn't all bad, I was pleased to find out that the government has a means by which you can get them to cover your transit costs to an interview - so that saves me 17 quid on trainfare for this Monday's excursion to Barking.

I've started to make my plans for Christmas and that, of course, feels a little odd in that they won't be in Canada (as I doubt I need to explain, it's not really an option yet). Little things like that and the way most people my age in England speak about snow (a distant memory from youth, wiped out by good ol climate change) has rendered this December fairly surreal for me when viewed through the lens of holidays and weather.

Ah well!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006



Also I got some more work done on the written bit, it is now an agonizing 9/10's complete.


Speaking of which, screw immigration paperwork! I'm just sayin'!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hot Dawg : Episode Two


It seems that I have secured an interview for a data entry job on this coming Monday at 1pm in Barking. It would be for National Rail and though I normally wouldn't get excited about a data entry job, this one is quality for three reasons.

1) After reviewing the file sent to me, it seems my duties would be varied and interesting enough that suicide wouldn't seem a viable way to hurry up the end of the workday.
2) It is a full-time contract which runs through until April - thus I could keep looking for work in the meantime and would stand the best chance of getting something I want at precisely the time that the data-entry work would finish.
3) It seems to pay rather well! Not outrageous, but more than the 15,000 pa average which I've seen and certainly enough for me to move out of Reading and back into London with my own durn room n' stuff.

So the fingers? They are crossed.

Meanwhile, in celebration of the recent upswing in my days and the oncoming Christ-Mas, I allowed myself a treat. It's a computer game called "The Movies" which, as the title suggests, allows you to engage in amateur computer animation using basically the same universe and look as The Sims. Though you can enjoy watching little bars fill up from grey to green by managing a studio, the real draw was of course the actual film making. For my first effort, I thought I would do an introduction to a line of Dirk Hardwood serials, especially since I am having a devil of a time getting around to finishing the last written entry, between everything else going on. Hope you enjoy it! There are a pair of annoying typo's in the captions (which I have to use for dialogue right now, as I don't own a microphone) but otherwise I'm very happy with it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

This past Saturday evening...

Saturday night was a good load of old fashioned fun out on the towne to celebrate Alex's 25th. Despite unintentionally mating with a large flower (I got pollen ALL IN MY HAIR I WAS SO UNHAPPY) I had a great time offering my services as the photo lad, so I thought I'd post a couple of pictures just to make sure y'all don't get the impression that I just sit on the edge of a gin-soaked bed, sobbing uncontrollably while idly clicking my way through A single tear filled with manly sadness slowly finding it's way down the nape of my neck to settle in the mustard-stained trim on my "I heart the UK" t-shirt.