Friday, February 22, 2008

Last night I caught Be Kind, Rewind. The sweded films they have online are pretty fun! My personal favorite is the Robocop swede...

Though I rather admire how Michel Gondry sweded his own film trailer! I suggest you watch the official one first and then his.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fire follow up

Yeah, I think maybe I was a little quick to condemn the other photographers. What went on yesterday wasn't a sign of the decline of morality and compassion anymore than it was another step towards the BLOGOSPHERE TOTALLY ROCKING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA YEAHHHHHHHH.

I kid, I kid.

One aspect I neglected to mention was how the cold weather led to a kind of ice palace feeling - I think a real quality photo would have been of the fire rubbing right up against the ice walls created by the hard work of the firemen. But you'll have to settle for these I guess!At one point I caught a television crew on a rooftop, though the silhouette of the camera wasn't turned the right way by the time I got my shot. I couldn't lose the feeling of being a peeping tom catching another. It's a tad puritanical, but I can't quite shake the feeling that nobody should have taken pictures at all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

! (Big ol' Fire at Queen & Bathurst)

So it turns out there are some bloody gigantic fires raging only a couple of blocks from me!
Update: So it's 2pm now and I've just gotten in from inspecting the scene for myself. I suppose it's my duty as a member of the new web 2.0 cybernation widget mo-fuck to upload them. So, without further ado and as this scene continues to unfold, here is...

AN UNFORTUNATE EVENT WHICH SO FAR HAS ONLY CAUSED PROPERTY DAMAGE, I THINK......AND THE SWEATY, HEAVILY BREATHING SCOPOPHILIACS WHO JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH!So far as I know, nobody has died or been terribly injured. Though I'm sure the store owners will see it as one, I don't see the nightly news dubbing this a terrible tragedy. So I'm not sure if I'm justified in getting a little annoyed at how I spotted at least twenty people with cameras in the ten minutes I spent taking my own masturbation fodder. I just spoke with Rob on gchat and his explanation is as correct as it is short "It's big news". The end, Mr. Brackenbury, get off that high horse (which doesn't have any legs to stand on anyways...or maybe I'm the one without legs. We're going to need a wheelchair for somebody, is what I'm getting at here).

More on this when I get my thoughts together.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I know I've said it before but...

....THIS guy is also going to touch you in places no doctor has ever found.Oh yes, it's the King of Kensington. I think they should have made him a lot fatter though, since my first thoughts were more along these lines when I first came across him.Now that we have an answering machine, I don't feel so damn pinned to the apartment while job hunting. I'm going to make a point of bringing my camera with me while taking walks and so there should be some more activity here, if only for that.Funny thing about Spadina...I remember having one of the most vivid dreams of my life, about two years ago, in which I actually had a large degree of lucid dreaming going on. In it I first found my way out of a helter-skelter downtown Ottawa and out into a snowy plain. I eventually stumbled upon a long railway track and in stepping over it I caught sight of a magnificent, golden city on the horizon. It was encased in a kind of ethereal bubble and I had to navigate this strange bridge before I could get across. Parts of the bridge rotated at random, like some demented Super Mario Brothers level, but eventually I found myself on the other side.

When I was there, I knew I was in the city I was supposed to be in. Looking ahead of me was an almost endless road which I realized my mind had stolen from Toronto - from Spadina. Along the horizon there were countless buildings from all the cities I've ever been too. I soon after stumbled into a leafy, tree filled neighborhood that was from nowhere in particular - although I felt this golden, composite city was a kind of dreamtime London. It filled me with an incredible sense of purpose and well-being.Standing to take a couple of these photographs, it all came back to me. That it was a lucid dream made the flashback all the more vivid. I wouldn't say I felt like I was standing with one foot in my dreams and on in reality, but maybe I enjoyed an instant of being one step beside that.


: This is bloody fascinating and has gone a long way towards restoring my sense of curiosity in what archaeologists might find next.