Monday, December 08, 2008

I'm not sure how big of a deal this is, BUT

I just got invited and then approved to become a Motionmaker over at Dailymotion, one of the several sites I upload Handful to using Tubemogul. Apparently "Several creative users and talents have been discovered thanks to the MotionMaker program.", but we shall see!


I didn't do a write-up here on Sunday as I usually do, because I'd thrown myself into a deep well marked "Hedonism" as a way of reconstituting myself. The previous weekend was spent entirely doing errands and filming, the latter of which is fun but still technically a form of work!

More interesting news to report is that the disappointment of not hearing back from my prospective editor when I actually called upon him to back up his positive noises with positive work...was lightened by my discovering that a good friend of mine a) knows CSS like the back of her hand and b)is willing/excited to help me redesign my website so it doesn't scream "AD-HOC BLOG-SITE".

It just screams and screams!

So, that's pretty okay. I reckon I'm going to see if we can't get something which sits in the same neighborhood as and as I find they have the most appealing and usuable websites of anything I regularly browse.

ADDENDUM: Here is my new, customized Dailymotion profile. I'll pipe up if this has any result past letting me wank around in Photopaint for five minutes!

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