Friday, May 18, 2007

I want to live...

....and yet, even more, I want to die! While what I have simply dubbed "Generic Illness" ravages me, body and mind, let me direct you all to the kind of website which could eventually lead to the death of television. It has dozens of handily organized shows, including my beloved Brass Eye (which I'll now shut up about), Harvey Birdman, Look Around You and other magnificence. Not that searching YouTube is SO hard, but this is much better.



Anonymous said...

STOP giving me reasons not to work.
Both of which are four letter words if you did not spot that ( damn another one).

Anonymous said...

Why is that picture so familiar to me? Where have I seen it before?!

Shawn M. said...

Wasn't it from Sesame Street, dude? I think it was. It would chug along and print pertinent messages!

Ηυσεβιος Μαρκος said...

yup, that's exactly it Shawn lol

can't you hear those squeaky wheels?

Ηυσεβιος Μαρκος said...

man...i remember my childhood way too vividly...

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Huh! The more you know.

I had no idea this fella had any history beyond Google Image search.

Don't worry Marc, remembering your childhood vividly is a wonderful thing. Not being able to let go of your childhood is another! I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU, COMEDIANS FOR WHOM THE PUNCHLINE IS "Hey, remember that cartoon we used to watch?".

T said...

I was thinking the same thing - it looks familiar... though, even with the Sesame Street reference, I can't quite visualize it. Hmmm... I think I need a videoclip... anyone?