Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sorry, frat boys and girls....

...but all your stolen street signs, adorning corona-soaked $8 balsa-wood dorm doors everywhere, are nothing compared to this one.


Anonymous said...

That sign from The Dolphin? Always wanted to drink there as I am a slut for history.

Shawn M. said...

The sad thing is that the words "totally destroyed" made me laugh, because I'm used to the term being used in the slang-sense than in, you know, appropriate context.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Don't think so. It was on Farringdon road and I'm pretty sure was at the base of an unused office building. Sorry to be ambiguous, I was completely focused on the sign at the time!

Meanwhile, I know what you mean Shawn. I think I audibly mumbled something like "Dude...zepplins...lead zepplins!" while I was taking the picture! Nonetheless, another staggering reminder of the history this city is steeped in.