Saturday, February 10, 2007

And the accountants entrails said....

Okay screw it, I'm applying today for the Script To Screen course. The course alone might have been a hard thing to decide on, but that it will give me the ability to register with the Panico Film Society for sixty-five pounds is too sweet an opportunity not to take. The society has events every single Thursday night of the year as well as an in-house job board. That latter benefit really reverbrated through my mind as I read it yesterday during my lunch break from entering the several thousandth track work form that I've entered for Network Rail.
The course is on the 24th, but there is an open to the public event on the 22nd which I'm going to use as a scouting mission to see the place in person. Expect plenty o' news on the matter when it comes to bear.
Meanwhile, here are some pictures I've been meaning to upload. The night time ones are from a month ago when I went out on the towne with my cousin Daniel and the day time ones are general shots around Islington that I took the same day I grabbed pictures of the Banksy piece.


Shawn M. said...

I had never heard that slogan before and it terrifies me.




Anonymous said...

I'm more concerned about the man standing on a seal and ostrich!

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Also the Herculean Toucan which is bringing him two pints?

The motto is fun, but the absurd combination of animals is what made me take the picture for sure.