Sunday, January 24, 2010

Entertaining Ghosts

It's always a little bit of a shame when you come across a website or a youtube channel or the like which has marvelous content on it, but clearly hasn't been updated in some time and likely has been abandoned by it's creator.

This video for Radiohead's "All I Need" comes from just such a youtube channel. It hasn't been updated for two years but the person who put it together made a respectable quantity of beautiful, meaningful music videos for several Radiohead songs by mashing up old footage.

I'm guessing he was a film or art student...or at least someone passionate about stuff other than good ol' mainstream fare, given that he used some Marcel Duchamp footage. Then there's Standish Lawder footage in this chilling video for "I Will".

Entertainment, something different, something that teaches and something that inspires: A cocktail I'll be aspiring to with this year's Handful, that's for sure.

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