Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sets and Framing

Two items!
1) A favorite t-shirt was on it's last legs, but luckily the design was still intact. So with liberal help from my roommate Christina, I cut and stretched part of it to wrap around a length of cardboard from one of those terrible Wal-Mart Art things. The result is pretty damn nice and I hope I can get another five years out of the $20 it cost me in the first place.2) For the first time ever, I filmed an episode of Handful in my home. The lighting wasn't what I'd like, but the sound was decent and the final product is one I'm rather proud of - particularly since it includes footage from In The Field. The set up was pretty ad-hoc, to say the least, and I thought you all might be amused to see it. The tall fella is my pal (and cameraman for that episode) Rob.


Anonymous said...

First: Well done with the artwork - that looks GREAT!
Second: It's nice to see Mr. Rob :)

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Thanks and yes, I tend to feel the same way about Roberto.

Ryan said...

It looks like you're setting up to shoot amateur porn...

Oliver Brackenbury said...

LOOKS like?

Shawn M. said...

looks LIKE?